Crime And Personal Safety

South America is a continent categorized by poverty and attendant crime levels which, while much magnified by tales in the foreign news media, certainly exist. Be sure to consult the relevant “Safety and the police” section of each chapter. In general, cities are more dangerous than rural areas, although the very deserted mountain plains can harbour bandits and hungry refugees.

Many of the working class barrios of big cities are “no go” areas for tourists, as are the marginal areas near them. One of the biggest problems in the urban parts of the region is theft, with bag snatching, handbag slitting and even armed robbery being problems in cities such as Buenos Aires, Lima, Rio, Salvador, Georgetown and Cusco. Take particular care on the street, in taxis and in restaurants. Any unsolicited approach from a stranger should be treated with the utmost suspicion, no matter how well dressed or trustworthy they may look.

In some countries, notably Guyana and Colombia, crime levels can be particularly high, and indiscriminate shootings, kidnapping and armed robberies of foreigners have been reported.
